Tuesday 26 January 2016


When life like storms against you roar
Mount up with wings like the eagle and soar
Brace up your mind as a warrior
And fight on as a superior
For the flames of life may sometimes be hot as steam
You may be vexed to the point to scream
Sometimes you may wish to just scream
Especially, when no man believes in your dream.
There are times you'll face the heat
Men will against you gnash their teeth
They'll run over you with their feet
And with their words devour your ideas like meat
But when no man with you want to walk
When no man with you want to talk
Stand your ground as an unshakable mountain
Until your dreams turn to a trickling fountain
Let your passion drive you to action
And draw inspiration from your inner unction
Be as forceful as the suction
Until your dreams turn to a mansion
Upon the mountains rise and glide
On the wings of the wind soar and ride
Foam up and rise up with the ocean's tide
Until victory rests on your side
Fight on with the fury of a lion
Face every opposition with the strength of a battalion
Be strong and rule over with a scepter of iron
Until your feet touch the shores of Zion
There your dreams will turn to a joyful stream
As sweet as an ice cream
And you'll taste with your face in gleam
And shout on the top of your voice 'I have fulfilled my dream'


Daniel Kyeremateng

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