Tuesday 2 February 2016


Written by Odoi Julius

When we ask for the Ada road to be fixed, it’s not because we hate the current government and want to discredit it or run it down.
When we ask that they fix the road, it’s not because we are against the current MP, Hon Comfort Doyoe Cudjoe-Ghansah and want her out.
When we call on the DCE, Hon. John Nurudeen Ahortu to ensure that the road is fixed, it doesn’t mean we are his detractors.
We are calling for our road to be fixed because it is the only major road leading to the district capital. We are screaming for it to be fixed because we deserve our fair share of the national cake. We are making the noise because we are also tax payers and deserve something better from our government.
Are we not fed up with the lips services? We are shouting the name of the president because he stood in front of us to promise that the road shall be fixed. We are holding our mp responsible not because we are not aware that her major role is legislation, but because she stood on a campaign platform to promise she will fix the road. Is there anything wrong with holding people by their words? Meeting commercial drivers to reassure them that the road shall be fixed is not what we want. Let people take responsibilities and get the road fixed.
So before you accuse us of asking for too much, be reminded that there is a social contract between us and our government. So anytime I step out of my house to work, I expect the government to fulfill its parts of the contract by supplying me with those social amenities that will enable me to provide my best for national development. Anything short of that means someone is not fulfilling his part of the contract.
If you still don’t get what we are saying, we say  “GET THE ADA ROAD FIXED”

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