Tuesday 2 February 2016


The second edition of Love@de mall event by Spaakins Consult to be hosted at Basillisa inside West Hills Mall off the Accra-Winneba road.The event is slated for Saturday 20th February 2016 at 7pm prompt and is programmed to draw couples,singles and mingles to educate themselves on the issues of love and relationships under the theme YOUNG PEOPLE AND LOVE.
Organizers of the event promised an exciting love night of comedy mixed with spoken word,music and dance and a discussion session with Counselor Adofoli of Share Your Worries fame.Counselor Adofoli is a Software Developer by profession, Entrepreneur, Counselor, Motivational Writer/Speaker, Author and Founder for the organization called SHARE YOUR WORRY, a community where we share our worries and help find solutions.
Over the years, he has helped many couples to find excitement in their marriages,young people to better understand the issues of love and relationships.
He is so humble and burnt on making all the sacrifices to help you find solutions to your love life,he is driven with passion in this mission and calling.
Other personalities to grace the much anticipated event includes Mr Eric Curtis Howard of Joy news Channel, Pastor Nana Kyei Amponsah of Harvest Church International, Ghana's uprising comedian Shegelabobor,Fashion Icons Liddell Maame Esi Poku-Aikins and Ama Kwansimah Crenstil,Daniel Nana Kwame Asare of the Ghana Youth Ministry, Edwina Momoh,, Karl Pampanaa and a host of others.
Tickets are fast selling at ghs 30.00 for singles and ghs 50.00 for couples and you can call 0264850850 for reservation.


Written by Odoi Julius

When we ask for the Ada road to be fixed, it’s not because we hate the current government and want to discredit it or run it down.
When we ask that they fix the road, it’s not because we are against the current MP, Hon Comfort Doyoe Cudjoe-Ghansah and want her out.
When we call on the DCE, Hon. John Nurudeen Ahortu to ensure that the road is fixed, it doesn’t mean we are his detractors.
We are calling for our road to be fixed because it is the only major road leading to the district capital. We are screaming for it to be fixed because we deserve our fair share of the national cake. We are making the noise because we are also tax payers and deserve something better from our government.
Are we not fed up with the lips services? We are shouting the name of the president because he stood in front of us to promise that the road shall be fixed. We are holding our mp responsible not because we are not aware that her major role is legislation, but because she stood on a campaign platform to promise she will fix the road. Is there anything wrong with holding people by their words? Meeting commercial drivers to reassure them that the road shall be fixed is not what we want. Let people take responsibilities and get the road fixed.
So before you accuse us of asking for too much, be reminded that there is a social contract between us and our government. So anytime I step out of my house to work, I expect the government to fulfill its parts of the contract by supplying me with those social amenities that will enable me to provide my best for national development. Anything short of that means someone is not fulfilling his part of the contract.
If you still don’t get what we are saying, we say  “GET THE ADA ROAD FIXED”

Tuesday 26 January 2016


Still on the trend, #Africancanrise
Most optimistically and unconsciously beg for that evolutionary period but as it stands now only few are working towards that dream.

Wondering how Africa is resourceful in minerals and underdeveloped?
EDUCATION, the canker to Africa's development.
In awe, you will be wondering why.

EDUCATION, that kind of system that trains individuals to be selfish, greedy and wicked.

What happened to our LEARNING?
We chose to be diplomatic instead of being real. By being real, far away from our ignorance in the standard set in the class, we use our minds to think outside the box to effect changes.

Lots of us are in the classroom but few are in the workplace?!
Okay blame the government and sit idle.
What did the EDUCATION you pursued offer, a life after death?
The robotic system that kills dream.
Often than not we choose to thread parts far away from our passion thus we fail in life.

But Africa can rise when we restructure our system of EDUCATION and our thinking as individuals.

When you dream a dream of solitude you live a life surrounded by nightmares of those who failed to dream.

Benevolence, Selflessness, Hardwork and Faith in motion is the way!

Indeed #Africacanrise



When life like storms against you roar
Mount up with wings like the eagle and soar
Brace up your mind as a warrior
And fight on as a superior
For the flames of life may sometimes be hot as steam
You may be vexed to the point to scream
Sometimes you may wish to just scream
Especially, when no man believes in your dream.
There are times you'll face the heat
Men will against you gnash their teeth
They'll run over you with their feet
And with their words devour your ideas like meat
But when no man with you want to walk
When no man with you want to talk
Stand your ground as an unshakable mountain
Until your dreams turn to a trickling fountain
Let your passion drive you to action
And draw inspiration from your inner unction
Be as forceful as the suction
Until your dreams turn to a mansion
Upon the mountains rise and glide
On the wings of the wind soar and ride
Foam up and rise up with the ocean's tide
Until victory rests on your side
Fight on with the fury of a lion
Face every opposition with the strength of a battalion
Be strong and rule over with a scepter of iron
Until your feet touch the shores of Zion
There your dreams will turn to a joyful stream
As sweet as an ice cream
And you'll taste with your face in gleam
And shout on the top of your voice 'I have fulfilled my dream'


Daniel Kyeremateng


I hear the wind across the plain, a sound so strong that calls my name..its vast like the ocean, its warmth like the sun.
I smell it, I feel it, the dawn of a new day, the light to a new world.
God programmed and chose my race, a continent to dwell, a family to belong, oh yes this is where I belong.
Africa is my home; I will make the story worth reading, flipping in smiles as you turn the pages.
Under the skies where the eagles( Nelson Mandela, Kwame Nkrumah, Alpha Oumar Konare, Haile Selassie, Julius Nyerere, Patrice Lumumba, Thomas Sankara, Jomo Kenyatta, Samora Machel, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf) have flown and left a trail..This is my land of opportunities; it is where I call home.
Far beyond the mountains and across the seas, whisper to the tress, let the grasses of the vegetations rejoice for I see new Africa smiling, I see hope and even if I wander in the snows, I will always return home where I belong.

Wednesday 3 June 2015


 Many walk through life with their faces up high and it makes you wonder if life has always been a bed of roses for them and yes whiles some were born with golden spoons in their mouths, some had to go through thick and thin or survival of the fittest in the slums or ghettos to claim a spot and in those places and the likes are where we get motivated and  live inspired more by stories of people who in spite of their poor backgrounds, fought their ways out sticking to a passion and love for something worth dying for and it is in one of such stories that  a man called KILOS OSEI OWUSU BANAHENE was born.
From a family of six, he is the first of his siblings. In his early days, he had his basic school education in New Tafo Baptist school international in Kumasi, his high education was with Kumasi technical Institute were he read carpentry and joinery.

Well isn’t it quite ironic how he got this magic of turning everything into gold?
Well, in the later part of his technical education, he fell in love, not what you are thinking obviously though but with computers..He discovered that he could use the computer as a tool to create films as he was doing basic photo and video editing. The love and fellowship grew stronger so he started working passionately and learning tirelessly to be better in the art. In his ghetto he started an office working for people in Kumasi. He later moved to OM Studios to work when someone saw his skills, magic and creativity
I want to assure you that if you can make your passion your profession, it does not matter your location, you could be in the slums and be swapped to the Flag Staff House, be in the ghetto and rise to the top but without making known your love, passion and skills, you can be in USA and be ‘useless’, be in the UK and not be ‘ok’, be in Poland and never be ‘polished’, be in France and still not be ‘frank’.
Whatever worthwhile work you lay your hands on, employ your zest and agility and deploy the best of your ability. Strive for the best, get better and you will thrive. Polish and publish and you will be heard, seen and recognized. Polish and publish.Make what you do known and you will be known for your works.

Today, he is the founder and CEO of  inFocos GH, He is a film maker, video journalist and television content producer. He has been in and out of the country many times on several projects working with big names like Oj, Ohemah Mercy, Cece Twum, Nacy ,Nii Okai, Josh Larye, Bernice Offie and many big names in the arts industry .Just in case you did not know, the music videos ‘maye se mup3n’ by Oj and ‘it’s by grace’ by Bernice Offie are his magical touch and master pieces by all standard in recent memory.
I can only agree with Gamel Sankarl when he said “You may currently be operating in a hole out of the whole world’s view. But if and only if you are wholeheartedly doing something right, someone will spot you right where you are and bring you right before the whole world’s view. Keep doing the right things the right way and the right people will help you claim your right spot at the right time” and the story of this young man proves it all.
Contact him via various mediums
 Documentaries║Film/TV║Music videos║Visual effect . Tell + 233 030 2956356 e mail : infocosmedia@gmail.com █║▌│█│║▌║││█║▌│║█║▌