Thursday 21 May 2015


Your birth maybe surrounded by hype of unfortunate circumstances, challenges and issues that gets you drained out. You might have felt or be feeling ‘USELESS’ as a person. People might have written you off but your come back will get them on their feets with a standing ovation, you will receive a royal welcome on a golden carpet and you will be celebrated.

Dear friend reading, your birth was no mistake or calamity, and your life is no coincidence of nature. Your parents may not have planned you but GOD did. He was not flabbergasted by your birth for as a matter of fact, he expected it. Long before you were conceived by your parents, you were conceived in the mind of God, he thought of you first, it’s not destiny, nor chance, nor some luck, nor was it a fluke that you are breathing at this very tick.
You are alive because God wanted to create you and he prearranged every detail of your body. He wisely choose your race, the color of your skin, your hair color and type, your face and every other details you can think of. God customized calculatingly your body stature, your height and size and deposited in you, your natural abilities or talents you would possess as well as the uniqueness of your personality.
God made you for a reason and he decided when you would be born, where you would be born and how long you would live, He planned the days of your existence in advance for a reason. Your race and nationality are no accidents; he left no detail to chance.

Dear friend, it was in God’s plans long before you and I ever existed that today and this very minute, you would be reading this, so what makes you think you are an accident and you are just not worth it?
God created you for a key purpose, a key solution to a problem, a savior of your family, society, country and the world, you are fearfully, wonderfully and uniquely made; you are an image of your father in heaven, he designed you, hand formed you, breath into you and gave you life, you are not ordinary but a master piece from a royal bloodline. You are who God says you are, not inferior, not a curse but a blessing and certainly not an accident. Don’t count yourself out and cast not yourself down with human definitions about you, all is working for your good.
You may not have been treated fairly over the years and you certainly had had thoughts of doubts before but now you know better, you are in that family for a reason, you are in that school for a reason, you are in that company for a reason, you are in that pain for a reason, it is to fulfill the purpose of God for your life, don’t forget who you are; a master piece not an inferior or an accident.
Live inspired,step up and keep up,your top is sure!

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